How can I programmatically clear the control's filter
' Click event - Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the control.
Private Sub Pivot1_Click()
	With Pivot1
	End With
End Sub

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = exFilterBarPromptVisible
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "USA"
End With
Is it possible to prevent closing the control's filter bar, so it is always shown (prompt-combined)

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "USA"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
End With
Is it possible to prevent closing the control's filter bar, so it is always shown (prompt)

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = exFilterBarPromptVisible
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "USA"
End With
Is it possible to prevent closing the control's filter bar, so it is always shown

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.FilterBarCaption = "len(value) = 0 ? `<fgcolor=808080>no filter` : value"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = exFilterBarVisible
End With
How can I find if the control is running in DPI mode
With Pivot1
	Debug.Print( .FormatABC("dpi = 1 ? `normal/stretch mode` : `dpi mode`") )
End With
If I connect it to a datasource, all works perfectly but the records that I see in the control is a little number of total of the recordset. I need to show all 60.000 rows of the recordset without click on the [...] button. It s possible to setting up this parameters
With Pivot1
	.DisplayPivotData = -1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
End With
How do I change the drop down filter icon/button (white)

With Pivot1
	With .VisualAppearance
"NYuPhjR4dRTIMhvVAsUArFh8Zg9GZZFjmDIDT4ydBLTQwcyVIKnP5qOa6XbmPoCQDYKxZHYxPzVDa3axuL76dqCAT7XrXNy1TbNRrzQKfcJqfCbdw2YaDZLOOT3fjuI4" & _
"hhKaRzFAHJ+jYQ4xHuY4gHuGIXGeExqC8Tp6C+PoEm+G5ImycRgh0XwvDGa5rgOeoejyXwnFeQp2mkf5ClgBB9gCWIYAwfYAEKV58mkdwOggNArgOXY2EWLoDkKOA0mg" & _
		.Add 1,"CP:2 -6 -4 2 4"
	End With
	.Background(exHeaderFilterBarButton) = &H1000000
	.Background(exCursorHoverColumn) = .BackColor
	.HeaderVisible = True
	.HeaderHeight = 24
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.DisplayFilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	.PivotBarVisible = exPivotBarVisible
End With
How do I change the drop down filter icon/button (black)

With Pivot1
	With .VisualAppearance
	End With
	.Background(exHeaderFilterBarButton) = &H1000000
	.Background(exCursorHoverColumn) = -1
	.BackColorHeader = RGB(0,0,0)
	.ForeColorHeader = RGB(255,255,255)
	.HeaderVisible = True
	.HeaderHeight = 22
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.DisplayFilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
End With
How do I prevent showing the control's BackColorAlternate property on empty / non-items part of the control

With Pivot1
	.BackColorAlternate = &H7ff0f0f0
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "12"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)"
End With
How can I find out if the user clicks the grid's header
' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub Pivot1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With Pivot1
		Debug.Print( "Type of ColumnFromPoint: " )
		Debug.Print( .ColumnFromPoint(-1,-1) )
		Debug.Print( " should not be VT_NULL" )
		Debug.Print( "Type of ValueFromPoint: " )
		Debug.Print( .ValueFromPoint(-1,-1) )
		Debug.Print( " should be VT_NULL" )
	End With
End Sub

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)"
End With
What should I set FormatPivotHeader to, to show it on the columns header only

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)/12"
	.FormatPivotHeader = "(iaggregate ? ( caption + ` <off -6><font ;6>(` + lower(caggregate) + ')</off></font>') : caption) + ( ( display=1 ? `<c>Date: " & _
"<b><upline><dotline>` + date(`now`) : `` ) + `</dotline> </b>` )"
End With
What should I set FormatPivotHeader to, to show "Report Generated on 7/9/2016 14:20" etc when the report is executed (ie the date and time will change)

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)/12"
	.FormatPivotHeader = "(iaggregate ? (`<b>` + caption + `</b> <off -6><font ;6>(` + lower(caggregate) + ')</off></font>') : caption) + `<r>ReportDate:" & _
" ` + date(`now`)"
End With
Is it possible to display aggregate result on parent rows as well

With Pivot1
	.HeaderHeight = 22
	.DefaultItemHeight = 20
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "12[bold],0"
	With .FormatConditionalAppearances.Add("nempty","not empty","")
		.Expression = "len(value) != 0"
		.BackColor = RGB(240,240,240)
	End With
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[nempty]/6"
	.IncludeExpandColumn = exIncludeExpandColumn
	.DrawGridLines = exNoLines
	.ShowBranchRows = ShowBranchRowsEnum.exBranchIncludeAggregate Or ShowBranchRowsEnum.exBranchTree
End With
How do I show expanded/collapsed rows

With Pivot1
	.HeaderHeight = 22
	.DefaultItemHeight = 20
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "12[bold],0"
	With .FormatConditionalAppearances.Add("nempty","not empty","")
		.Expression = "len(value) != 0"
		.BackColor = RGB(240,240,240)
	End With
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[nempty]/6"
	.IncludeExpandColumn = exIncludeExpandColumn
	.DrawGridLines = exNoLines
End With
How do I show expanded/collapsed columns

With Pivot1
	.HeaderHeight = 22
	.DefaultItemHeight = 20
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	With .FormatConditionalAppearances.Add("nempty","not empty","")
		.Expression = "len(value) != 0"
		.BackColor = RGB(240,240,240)
	End With
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[nempty]/12"
	.FormatPivotHeader = "(iaggregate ? ( caption + ` <r>[` + lower(caggregate) + `]` ) : caption)"
	.IncludeExpandColumn = exIncludeExpandColumn
End With
Where you have say "Sum of ...." as the first row heading of the pivot are there and options to be able to change this text as a whole

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	With .FormatConditionalAppearances.Add("nempty","not empty","")
		.Expression = "len(value) != 0"
		.BackColor = RGB(240,240,240)
	End With
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[nempty]/12"
	.FormatPivotHeader = "(iaggregate ? (`<b>` + caption + `</b> <off -6><font ;6>(` + lower(caggregate) + ' )') : caption)"
End With
How can I get the data column from the cursor
' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub Pivot1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With Pivot1
		Debug.Print( "DataColumn" )
		Debug.Print( .DataColumnFromPoint(-1,-1) )
	End With
End Sub

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[content=numeric]"
End With
Is there any way for the user to change the alignment at runtime (using excontextmenu)

' RClick event - Occurs once the user right clicks the control.
Private Sub Pivot1_RClick()
	With Pivot1
		h = .DataColumns.item(5).Alignment
		Set c = CreateObject("Exontrol.ContextMenu")
		With c
			.FlatImageWidth = 0
			.ToString = "Alignment[align=1][dis],[group=0x71](Left[typ=2][grp=100][close=0][id=0],Center[typ=2][grp=100][close=0][id=1],Right[typ=2][grp" & _
			.item(h).Checked = True
			h = .Select()
		End With
		With .DataColumns.item(5)
			.Alignment = h
			.HeaderAlignment = h
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With Pivot1
	.PivotBarVisible = PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowResizeColumns Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowUndoRedo Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAutoUpdate Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarShowTotals Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAutoFit Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarVisible
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	With .DataColumns.item(5)
		.Alignment = RightAlignment
		.HeaderAlignment = RightAlignment
	End With
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[content=numeric]"
End With
Is there any way for the user to change the alignment at runtime

' RClick event - Occurs once the user right clicks the control.
Private Sub Pivot1_RClick()
	With Pivot1
		Debug.Print( "The column gets aligned to the center" )
		With .DataColumns.item(5)
			.Alignment = CenterAlignment
			.HeaderAlignment = CenterAlignment
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	With .DataColumns.item(5)
		.Alignment = RightAlignment
		.HeaderAlignment = RightAlignment
	End With
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[content=numeric]"
End With
How can I align a column to the right

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	With .DataColumns.item(5)
		.Alignment = RightAlignment
		.HeaderAlignment = RightAlignment
	End With
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[content=numeric]"
End With
How can I display the control's content on an single A3 paper size, when using PDF format
With Pivot1
	.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.FormatConditionalAppearances.item("positive").BackColor = &H100ff00
	.FormatConditionalAppearances.item("negative").BackColor = &H10000ff
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[positive,negative]/12"
	var_CopyTo = .CopyTo("C:\Temp\Preview.pdf|11.69 in x 16.53 in||single")
	Debug.Print( "Look for C:\Temp\Preview.pd file." )
End With
How can I display the control's content on an A3 paper size, when using PDF format
With Pivot1
	.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.FormatConditionalAppearances.item("positive").BackColor = &H100ff00
	.FormatConditionalAppearances.item("negative").BackColor = &H10000ff
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[positive,negative]/12"
	var_CopyTo = .CopyTo("C:\Temp\Preview.pdf|11.69 in x 16.53 in")
	Debug.Print( "Look for C:\Temp\Preview.pd file." )
End With
How can I export the control's content to a PDF document (method 1)
With Pivot1
	.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.FormatConditionalAppearances.item("positive").BackColor = &H100ff00
	.FormatConditionalAppearances.item("negative").BackColor = &H10000ff
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[positive,negative]/12"
	With CreateObject("Exontrol.Print")
		.PrintExt = Pivot1.Object
		.CopyTo "c:/temp/xtest.pdf"
	End With
	Debug.Print( "Look for C:\Temp\xtest.pdf file." )
End With
How can I export the control's content to a PDF document (method 2)
With Pivot1
	.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.FormatConditionalAppearances.item("positive").BackColor = &H100ff00
	.FormatConditionalAppearances.item("negative").BackColor = &H10000ff
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[positive,negative]/12"
	var_CopyTo = .CopyTo("c:/temp/xtest.pdf")
	Debug.Print( "Look for C:\Temp\xtest.pdf file." )
End With
Does / could the control have a read-only mode by where I could load the data and layout and just use the control to display it and allow the user to scroll around it / print it but not change it
With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[content=numeric]"
	.DisplayFilterList = exNoItems
	.PivotBarVisible = PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarReadOnly Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAutoUpdate Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAutoFit Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarVisible
End With
Is it possible to edit the conditional-expression at runtime

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	With .FormatConditionalAppearances.Add("custom","custom","")
		.Bold = True
		.FontSize = 12
		.Expression = "value > 2000"
		.ContextEditExpression = True
	End With
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[custom]/12"
End With
How can I highlight values using EBN colors

With Pivot1
	.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.FormatConditionalAppearances.item("positive").BackColor = &H100ff00
	.FormatConditionalAppearances.item("negative").BackColor = &H10000ff
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[positive,negative]/12"
End With
How do I mark not-empty values in the chart

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	With .FormatConditionalAppearances.Add("nempty","not empty","")
		.Expression = "len(value) != 0"
		.BackColor = RGB(240,240,240)
	End With
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[nempty]/12"
End With
How can I highlight negative and positive values in the same chart

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[negative,positive]/12"
End With
How can I highlight values that starts with a letter

With Pivot1
	With .FormatConditionalAppearances.Add("f","starts with f","lower(value) startwith `f`")
		.Expression = "lower(value) startwith `f`"
		.Shadow = RGB(1,0,0)
		.ShadowOffset = 0
	End With
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0[f]"
End With
How can I mark values greater than a value, 100 for instance

With Pivot1
	With .FormatConditionalAppearances.Add("greater100",">100","value > 100")
		.Expression = "( dbl(value) != 0 ) ? (value > 100) : 0"
		.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)
	End With
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[greater100,content=numeric]"
End With
How can I remove the Conditional context-menu

With Pivot1
	.PivotBarVisible = PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowResizeColumns Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowUndoRedo Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAutoUpdate Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowFormatContent Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowFormatAppearance Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowValues Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarShowTotals Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAutoFit Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarSizable Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarVisible
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[content=numeric]"
End With
How do change the way the negative/positive numbers show when using conditional-format

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	With .FormatConditionalAppearances.item("negative")
		.BackColor = RGB(0,0,0)
		.ForeColor = RGB(128,128,128)
		.FontSize = 8
	End With
	With .FormatConditionalAppearances.item("positive")
		.BackColor = RGB(0,0,0)
		.ForeColor = RGB(1,0,0)
		.FontSize = 11
	End With
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[negative,positive,content=numeric]"
End With
How do I highlight the negative values with white color or black

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	With .FormatConditionalAppearances.item("negative")
		.BackColor = RGB(1,0,0)
		.ForeColor = RGB(255,255,255)
	End With
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[negative,content=numeric]"
End With
Does your control support conditional-format, so I can highlight certain values

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[negative,content=numeric]"
End With
How do I add a computed column/field, like VAT for instance (method 2)

With Pivot1
	With .Aggregates
		.Add("vat19","sum","VAT 19%","VAT 19%").FormatValue = "value * 0.19"
		.Add("vat24","sum","VAT 24%","VAT 24%").FormatValue = "value * 0.24"
	End With
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[content=numeric],vat19(5)[bold,content=numeric],vat24(5)[bold,content=numeric]"
End With
How do I add a computed column/field, like VAT for instance (method 1)

With Pivot1
	With .FormatContents.Add("vat19","VAT 19%")
		.Expression = "len(value) ? ((value * 1.19) format '') : ''"
	End With
	With .FormatContents.Add("vat24","VAT 24%")
		.Expression = "len(value) ? ((value * 1.24) format '') : ''"
	End With
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[content=numeric],sum(5)[bold,content=vat19],sum(5)[bold,content=vat24]"
End With
How can I hide some values for instance negative values

With Pivot1
	With .FormatContents.Add("hiden","hide negative")
		.Expression = "value < 0 ? `` : value"
	End With
	With .FormatContents.Add("hidep","hide positive")
		.Expression = "value > 0 ? `` : value"
	End With
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[bold],sum(5)[content=hiden],sum(5)[content=hidep]"
End With
How can I decode the Layout property

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)/12"
	.Layout = "Columns =1;C0.Width = 64"
	With CreateObject("Exontrol.Print")
		Debug.Print( .Decode64TextW(Pivot1.Layout) )
	End With
End With
How can I specify the sorting type, so the column gets sorted as numeric for instance

With Pivot1
	.Import "1,1#11,11#101,101","eor='#' eof=',' hdr=0"
	With .DataColumns.item(0)
		.Caption = "Numeric"
		.SortType = SortNumeric
	End With
	.DataColumns.item(1).Caption = "String (default)"
	.PivotRows = "0"
End With
How can I disable the control's context menu
With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotBarVisible = PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowResizeColumns Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowUndoRedo Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAutoUpdate Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowValues Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarShowTotals Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAutoFit Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarSizable Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarVisible
End With
How do I get the captions of the columns
With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	Debug.Print( .DataColumns.Count )
	Debug.Print( .DataColumns.item(0).PivotCaption )
	Debug.Print( .DataColumns.item(0).Caption )
	Debug.Print( .DataColumns.item(1).PivotCaption )
	Debug.Print( .DataColumns.item(1).Caption )
End With
How can I specify the default-format for a specified column, so it always shows as numeric for instance
With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	With .DataColumns.item("Freight")
		.DefaultFormatContent = "numeric"
		.DefaultFormatAppearances = "bold"
		.SortOrder = SortAscending
		.SortType = SortNumeric
	End With
	.PivotTotalDefaultFormatContent = "currency"
	.PivotTotalDefaultFormatAppearances = "strikeout,bold"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)[bold,content=numeric]"
	.PivotTotals = "sum[strikeout,bold,content=currency]"
	.PivotColumnsFloatBarVisible = exPanelVisible
End With
How can I display the percentage column

With Pivot1
	.FormatContents.Add "percent","value + `%`"
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "5[content=percent]"
End With
How do I change the name for months in the drop-down filter window (localization)

With Pivot1
	Debug.Print( .Description(exFilterBarDateMonths) )
	.Description(exFilterBarDateMonths) = "Ianuarie Februarie Martie Aprilie Mai Iunie Iulie August Septembrie Octombrie Noiembrie Decembrie"
	.Description(exFilterBarAll) = "(Toate)"
	.Description(exFilterBarBlanks) = "(Gol)"
	.Description(exFilterBarNonBlanks) = "(Plin)"
	.Description(exFilterBarFilterForCaption) = "Filtreaza:"
	.Description(exFilterBarDateTodayCaption) = "Azi"
	.Description(exFilterBarDateWeekDays) = "D L Ma Mi J V S"
	.Description(exFilterBarExclude) = "Exclud"
	.Description(exColumnsFloatBar) = "Coloane"
	.Description(exFilterBarAnd) = "si"
	.Description(exFilterBarDate) = "Data:"
	.Description(exFilterBarDateTitle) = "Data"
	.Description(exFilterBarDateTo) = "la"
	.Description(exFilterBarNot) = "nu"
	.Description(exFilterBarOr) = "sau"
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.DataColumns.item("OrderDate").SortType = SortDate
	.PivotRows = "9"
End With
How can I scale and print programmatically the pivot table, to fit on one axis eg FitPageHeight but infinite width etc
With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "6"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)/3"
	With CreateObject("Exontrol.Print")
		.Options = "FitToPage = x 5"
		.PrintExts = Pivot1
	End With
End With
How can I scale and print programmatically the pivot table, to fit on one axis eg FitPageWidth but infinite height etc
With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "6"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)/3"
	With CreateObject("Exontrol.Print")
		.Options = "FitToPage = 5 x"
		.PrintExts = Pivot1
	End With
End With
How can I get the column from the cursor
' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub Pivot1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With Pivot1
		Debug.Print( .ColumnFromPoint(-1,-1) )
	End With
End Sub

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
End With
How can I get the value from the cursor
' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub Pivot1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With Pivot1
		Debug.Print( .ValueFromPoint(-1,-1) )
	End With
End Sub

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
End With
How can I specify a column to display HTML format

With Pivot1
	.Import "Bold <b>1,Bold <b>2#Bold <b>3,Bold <b>4#Bold <b>5,Bold <b>6","eor='#' eof=',' hdr=0"
	.DataColumns.item(0).HTML = True
	.DataColumns.item(1).HTML = True
	.PivotRows = "0"
End With
Does your control supports scrolling by touching the screen

With Pivot1
	Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
	With rs
		.Open "Data","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\Access\sample.accdb",3,3
	End With
	.DataSource = rs
	.AutoDrag = AutoDragEnum.exAutoDragScrollOnShortTouch Or AutoDragEnum.exAutoDragScroll
End With
How can I specify programatically the width of the pivot column ( first column )

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)/12"
	.Layout = "Columns =1;C0.Width = 64"
End With
How can I show the total of each row, when columns are shown as expanded

With Pivot1
	.IncludeExpandColumn = exIncludeExpandColumn
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)/12"
End With
How can I prevent grouping by a specified column
With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.DataColumns.item("Freight").AllowGroupBy = exGroupByNone
End With
How can I sort alphabetically the columns to be displayed in the context menu/floating panel

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotBarVisible = PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarContextSortAscending Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowResizeColumns Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowUndoRedo Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAutoUpdate Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowFormatContent Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowFormatAppearance Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowValues Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarShowTotals Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAutoFit Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarSizable Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarVisible
	.PivotColumnsSortOrder = exPivotColumnsAscending
	.PivotColumnsFloatBarVisible = exPanelVisible
End With
How can I prevent dropping data to the control
With Pivot1
	.AllowDrop = False
End With
Is it possible to allow incremental filtering on drop down filter window too, as I can on the control menus

With Pivot1
	var_DisplayFilterList = .DisplayFilterList
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.DisplayFilterList = FilterListEnum.exHideFilterPattern Or FilterListEnum.exFilterListDefault
End With
How can I prevent showing the Filter For field in the drop down filter window

With Pivot1
	var_DisplayFilterList = .DisplayFilterList
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.DisplayFilterList = FilterListEnum.exHideFilterPattern Or FilterListEnum.exFilterListDefault
End With
How can I display the numeric columns only when selecting a new aggregate, like SUM

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0[bold]"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)/12,count(5)/12"
	.DataColumns.item("Freight").SortType = SortNumeric
End With
How can I add a value column

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)/12"
End With
I would like to always have the subtotals in the same row of the "father row". Could that be done

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0[bold],2"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)/12,count(5)/12"
	.ShowViewCompact = ShowViewCompactEnum.exViewCompactAggregates Or ShowViewCompactEnum.exViewCompact
	.PivotTotals = "/sum,sum(0)"
End With
Is there any way, when I change the filter of the column, it broadcast the filter to the other pivot columns that were duplicated

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0,2"
	.ShowBranchRows = exBranchCompact
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)/12[filter='gBpNxjNh1MhlBoKNhpOZ0hJVNxpOhlMggKBhMZrMJnMoAgI='],count(5)/12[filter='gBpNxjNh1MhlBoKNhpOZ0hJVNxpOhlMggKBhMZ" & _
	.ShowViewCompact = ShowViewCompactEnum.exViewCompactKeepSettings Or ShowViewCompactEnum.exViewCompact
End With
How can I summarize more fields in the same cell

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0,2"
	.ShowBranchRows = exBranchCompact
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)/12,count(5)/12"
	.ShowViewCompact = exViewCompact
End With
How do I programmatically group by rows, in a compact way, no hierarchy lines

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0,2"
	.ShowBranchRows = exBranchCompact
End With
How do I programmatically group by rows

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0,1,2"
	.LinesAtRoot = exLinesAtRoot
	.HasLines = exSolidLine
End With
How do I programmatically group by columns

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)/12;6"
End With
How can I hide the add new button on the pivot bar

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotBarVisible = PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarHideAddNew Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowResizeColumns Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowUndoRedo Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAutoUpdate Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowFormatContent Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowFormatAppearance Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowValues Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarShowTotals Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAutoFit Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarSizable Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarVisible
End With
Is it possible to show the data that generated the result, when double clicking the row

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0[italic]"
	.PivotColumns = "count(0)[underline]"
	.PivotTotals = "count[bold,strikeout]"
	.ShowDataOnDblClick = True
End With
Does your control support subscript or superscript, in HTML captions

With Pivot1
	.HeaderHeight = 22
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.DataColumns.item("ShipCountry").Caption = "ShipCountry<font ;7><off 6><sha ;;0>subscript"
	.DataColumns.item("ShipRegion").Caption = "ShipRegion<font ;7><off -6><sha ;;0>superscript"
End With
Is it possible to define a different background color for the pivot bar

With Pivot1
	.Background(exPivotBarBackColor) = RGB(240,240,240)
End With
How can I display an icon/image to Content sub-menu

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	.FormatContents.item("numeric").Name = "<img>1</img> Numeric"
	.PivotRows = "5[content=numeric]"
End With
How can I change the selection background in the control's context menu

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.Background(exSelBackColorFilter) = RGB(255,0,0)
End With
How can I display the column as date in a long format

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.FormatContents.Add "longdate","longdate(date(value))"
	.PivotRows = "9[content=longdate]"
End With
Is it possible to display the column in upper-case

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.FormatContents.Add "upper","upper(value)"
	.PivotRows = "0[content=upper]"
End With
How can I programatically bold a column

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0[bold]"
End With
How can I display the total with a different foreground color

With Pivot1
	.FormatAppearances.Add("fore").ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)"
	.PivotTotals = "sum[fore,bold]"
End With
How can I display the total with a different background color/ebn

With Pivot1
	.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
	.FormatAppearances.Add("back").BackColor = &H1000000
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)"
	.PivotTotals = "sum[back]"
End With
How can I display the total with a solid background color

With Pivot1
	.FormatAppearances.Add("back").BackColor = RGB(240,240,240)
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)"
	.PivotTotals = "sum[back]"
End With
Is it possible to change the "bold" caption in the control's context menu

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.FormatAppearances.item("bold").Name = "Ingrosat"
End With
Is it possible to show no Exclude field in the filter window

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.DisplayFilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
End With
How can I prevent showing the drop down filter button

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.DisplayFilterList = exNoItems
End With
How do I get the count of positive values only

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.Aggregates.Add("positive","sum").FormatValue = "value < 0 ? 0 : 1"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "positive(5)"
End With
How do I get the sum for negative values only

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.Aggregates.Add("negative","sum").FormatValue = "value < 0 ? value : 0"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "negative(5)"
End With
My data stores the data as strings, is it possible to load the data using Import method

With Pivot1
	.Import "'string 1';'string 2'#'string 3';'string 4'","str=`'` eor='#' eof=';' hdr=0"
End With
Is it possible to load data using different separators

With Pivot1
	.Import "item 1;item 2#item 3;item 4","eor='#' eof=';' hdr=0"
End With
Is it possible to align a column

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	With .DataColumns.item(0)
		.Alignment = RightAlignment
		.HeaderAlignment = RightAlignment
	End With
End With
How can I change by code the column/rows background color

With Pivot1
	.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.FormatAppearances.Add("aka").BackColor = &H1000000
	.PivotRows = "0[aka]"
End With
How can I apply by code any appearance to my list

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0[italic]"
	.PivotColumns = "count(0)[underline]"
	.PivotTotals = "count[bold,strikeout]"
End With
How can I display an icon instead SUM/Total field

With Pivot1
	.Images "gBJJgBggAAwAAgACEKAD/hz/EMNh8TIRNGwAjEZAEXjAojJAjIgjIBAEijUlk8plUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9oEEwGBwWDwmFw2Hw9+xUsxGNx2Px+LyUnyGVy2VyeZAGNjIJjITjIb0OjjGi0ukAAV" & _
"jILzmayWtAGejCvjLh2u3jG23O4ACx1ew11+zEYGsZZsZUe/wkZ4sYZvD4PCy8kjAzjLFjKd5WDjIz6HRvnTwUZGMZX8ZTPb8XU8Hh9cFjALjKVjK5jIv9/w9t78WdjJ" & _
"IoyWr7sKjIWu+/a8Og2QAEajLaIxAzlwhB0DwQuzoECjJWw1DiMQ3D0OgAQMKwsuj8xOy0SrzFEWMdFUExbGMCRfC8ZRswMaLsiofJVHiOo+kKRs2lL2Jsh8cyQo6Ag=" & _
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	With .Aggregates.item("sum")
		.Name = "<img>1</img> Sum"
		.Caption = "<img>1</img>"
	End With
	.PivotColumnsFloatBarVisible = exPanelVisible
	.FormatPivotHeader = "iaggregate ? (caggregate + (iaggregate != 5 ? ' ' : '') + caption) : caption"
	.FormatPivotTotal = "caggregate"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)"
	.PivotTotals = "sum,count"
End With
How can I change the caption to be displayed when dragging an aggregate function

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotColumnsFloatBarVisible = exPanelVisible
	.FormatPivotHeader = "(iaggregate ? ('<b>' + upper(caggregate) + '</b> of ' + caption) : caption)"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)"
	.PivotTotals = "sum,count"
End With
I am using Import method, just wondering if I can rename the columns

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	With .DataColumns.item(0)
		.Caption = "New Caption"
		.PivotCaption = "New Pivot Caption"
	End With
End With
Does your control support Fit-To-Page Print and Print Preview

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0,1,2"
	With CreateObject("Exontrol.Print")
		.Options = "FitToPage = On"
		.PrintExts = Pivot1
	End With
End With
How can I print the control

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0,1,2"
	With CreateObject("Exontrol.Print")
		.PrintExts = Pivot1
	End With
End With
How can I hide the pivot bar (hide completly)

With Pivot1
	.PivotBarVisible = PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowResizeColumns Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowUndoRedo Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAutoUpdate Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowFormatContent Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowFormatAppearance Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowValues Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarShowTotals Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAutoFit Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarSizable
End With
How can I hide the pivot bar (auto-hide)

With Pivot1
	.PivotBarVisible = PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowResizeColumns Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowUndoRedo Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAutoUpdate Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowFormatContent Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowFormatAppearance Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowValues Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAutoHide Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarShowTotals Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarSizable Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarVisible
End With
How can I count and get the total of a specified column

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotColumnsFloatBarVisible = exPanelVisible
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumns = "sum(5)"
	.PivotTotals = "sum,count"
End With
How can I add show the columns once I grouped a column

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0"
	.PivotColumnsFloatBarVisible = exPanelVisible
End With
How can I programatically group the columns

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
	.PivotRows = "0:D"
End With
Is it possible to load data from a data source

With Pivot1
	Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
	With rs
		.Open "Data","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\Access\sample.accdb",3,3
	End With
	.DataSource = rs
End With
How can I load data

With Pivot1
	.Import "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
End With